Aspire - Counseling Notes
The Counselor Notes application allows Counselors ability to add notes to the Student Lens that will help schools track Students-at-risk for graduation or for any other reasons the school chooses to track students. The notes fields will give counselors a place to monitor and record interactions with Students.
These notes will be private to the group who has permissions.
In a counselor group, all users that are in that group will see all student notes, even those that other counselors have created. But the notes are private to that group.
No other users will see these notes unless they are part of the counselor group.
If you want a principal or administrator to be able to see these student notes, you will need to add the principal or administrator to the counseling permissions.
Counselors will access the Student Notes from the Student Lens.
A Counselor’s student lens view will include the Counseling Application.
Other users that don’t have permissions to counseling won’t see Counseling, + Show, or +Add Notes.
Counselors will add Counseling Notes on the Student Lens.
These notes are private to only users who have permission to Counseling. Counselors can add notes knowing no one will see their notes.

Counselors will still have a view of the Students’ current schedule, enrollment record and graduation requirements.

By default, Counseling Notes will be hidden (collapsed). This way if a student or parent/ guardian is viewing this screen, the hidden notes field is not visible to the student unless you choose to +Show the notes. Counselors can choose to +Show to open the notes fields.

Selecting the +Show will expand the field and show notes that were previously added by you or by another counselor or you can select +Add Note to add more notes.
Counselors can add, edit, and delete notes.

Counseling Note Tags can be added to the note by selecting them from the list of tags at the top. These tags are used to track students. By using a tag on the note, this tag will let the user know what the note, meeting or communication was about at a glance when the note is closed.
New Tags will need to be added by your SIS administrator.
Users can also include who was involved in the meeting (Student, Contacts, Teachers) and add a Date and timestamp.

Suggestions for naming Tags:
Chronic Absenteeism (as per board rule)
Graduation (Credit Deficiency)
On Track to Early Graduation
Homelessness (lack of adequate residency)
LEP (Limited English Proficiency
Low Academic Grades
Mobility (Enrolled less than 160 days)
Poverty (Economically Disadvantaged)
Special Education (IEP)
Suicide Ideation
(Contact your Aspire SIS administrator to add data tags you would like to use for tracking).
Step 1
Add Counseling Note
Search for the Student, click on the Student Tile

Step 2
To view all Counseling Notes, click +Show, to add a Counseling note, click +Add Note

Step 3
Add applicable Counseling Note Tags, if you do not see a Tag that you need, contact your SIS Administrator.

Step 4
Add notes in the notes field for phone call communications, e-mail communications, meetings, etc. Any communication or information you want to track. You can type anything you would like in this field. Remember, only those with permissions will see your notes.

Step 5
Choose who attended this meeting (optional), who you sent an e-mail to, who you talked to on the phone. Adding People involved is not a required field, check only if applicable.

Step 6
Choose the Date and timestamp for this Note/Meeting, it will default to the current date and time however, you can change this if needed.
Step 7
After all information has been entered click on Save Note

Step 8
Your note will now show in the list of Counselor Notes, from here you can edit or delete the note.

Step 9
You can Filter By the different Data Tags you have created; this can be done on the School Lens