Aspire - Control Master - Create Contact Group
Go to LEA lens - Control Master - Edit Groups –

Select – Create New – Contacts (guardian) group –
For all groups, the process is the same. Permissions will vary according to the group.
Title: Contacts
Description: Contacts
Select Create -

Select - Default Group For – Select Contacts and Save
After you have created the account, go through all of the permissions and select the other ones that you would like them to have.
Select – Academic Progress – Reports

Attendance Permissions – Report permissions only -

Change Password

Enrollment – Report permissions only -

Gradebook – Report permissions only -

Lockers – If you use lockers

Scheduling – If you are going to allow contacts and students to schedule online - Optional


Student Summary

Student Utilities

Student Student Contact Information -
Contacts – Can now -
Create a contact/parent account, click on “Contacts with Web access may Request a Username” or “Have a new student? Register Student for Enrollment”

“Register Student for Enrollment” by selecting - Request a Username

“Request a Username” enter the Student ID and Birthdate and click on Lookup Student –

Select yourself
Choose a Username and Password
Confirm the Student you are a contact for
Create Account

If the account was created successfully, you will receive this message
Select Return to Login

Login with your new Username and Password