Aspire - Control Master Permissions - Administrator Access and Setup
Each month we add changes to Aspire.
As the Aspire LEA Administrator,
you should go through and update all users monthly or every time an update has become available. Check to make sure you are using Aspire to its’ fullest potential
Most Users should have very controlled access for security. Please ask questions if you are questioning what permissions should be assigned.
Always error on the side of caution when giving access to student data. Be clear on what access is granted.
Accessing the Control Master ‐
LEA Lens - Control Master
Edit Groups

Select your own permission group first and make sure as an Aspire LEA Administrator, you have all the LEA Aspire Administrator permissions that you need to manage Aspire –
Check for any missing permissions and add them if your LEA uses the application. Sometimes, your LEA will not use an application such as the Lockers application, etc.
Each LEA is unique.
Here is the list of All Applications that are available.
Make sure you are using all applications that will help you in your school functions.

Select each group and add the appropriate permissions to each group. This is time consuming but, important.

Go through each of the groups and make sure each group has everything they need to use the software successfully.
Listed below are the individual applications, what they do and suggestions for usage.
If you have any questions of understanding what the permissions do or who should be given the permissions at your LEA, please call and ask Aspire support. It is better to be over secure with the student data than to guess.
Here is a list of all the individual applications that are available on Aspire.
Academic Intervention – tracks students academically to make sure they are on track for graduation or on track learning academically at all grade levels. Creates an atmosphere of collaboration amongst teachers and administration for tracking student academic success.
Academic Intervention Suggested users: School Administration - Teachers - Registrars

Academic Progress – manages all academics for students individually
Academic Progress Suggested users: School Administration - Secretaries - Registrars

Assessments – Track student individual assessments
Assessments Suggested users: School Administration - Secretaries - Registrars

Attendance ‐ Tracks Student Attendance Suggested Users ‐ Secretaries

Behavior – Track student individual behavior Behavior ‐ Suggested users: School Administration

Change Password – Manages faculty and student individual passwords Change Password Suggested users: School Administration ‐‐ only

Classroom – Manages student schedule/classroom information
Classroom Suggested users: School Administration - Secretaries - Teachers

Communication Templates – Manages administration e‐mailing templates Communication Templates Suggested users: School Administration - Secretaries

Control Master – High Level Management of Aspire Software for all users both student and faculty
Control Master Suggested users: School Administration ‐‐ ONLY – Do not give this permission to anyone but you, as an LEA administrator.

Counseling – Manages student counseling for graduation etc. information – highly sensitive and private information ‐
Counseling Suggested users: School Administration ‐ Only - Counselors ‐ Only

Courses– Manages student schedule courses
Courses Suggested users: School Administration - Secretaries - Registrars

Data Quality – Manages student data errors
Data Quality Suggested users: School Administration - Secretaries

Enrollment – Manages student enrollment
Enrollment Suggested users: School Administration - Secretaries

Faculty – Manages faculty information
Faculty Suggested users: School Administration - Secretaries

Fees – Manages student schedule/classroom information – only for schools who use fees.
Fees Suggested users: School Administration - Secretaries

Food Service– Manages student meal statuses and POS with approval from the state CNP department.
Food Service Suggested users: School Administration - Secretaries - Food Service Clerks

Gradebook – Manages student academic grade information Gradebook Suggested users: Teachers

Groups – Manages student groups
Groups Suggested users: School Administration - Secretaries

Health– Manages student health tracking
Health Suggested users: School Administration - Secretaries - Nurses

Lockers – Manages student lockers – used only if you have student lockers
Lockers Suggested users: School Administration - Secretaries

Scheduling – Manages student schedules
Scheduling Suggested users: School Administration - Secretaries - Registrars

School– Manages school setup – only LEA Administrator
School Suggested users: School Administration

SEOP– Manages student graduation tracking – for secondary schools 9‐12 SEOP Suggested users: School Administration - Secretaries - Registrars

Settings – Manages high level student information and access Settings Suggested users: School Administration ‐‐ Only

Special Programs – Manages student special programs
Special Programs Suggested users: School Administration - Secretaries - Special Program Administrators

Statistics – Manages high level student data tracking Statistics Suggested users: School Administration - Secretaries - Special Program Administrators

Student Registration– Manages student registrations for enrollment
Student Registration Suggested users: School Administration - Secretaries

Student Summary – Views student academic grades and schedules Student Summary Suggested users: School Administration - Secretaries - Teachers - Contacts / guardians / parents

Student Utilities – Manages student registrations for enrollment
Student Utilities Suggested users: School Administration - Secretaries

Update Student Contact Information– Manages student registrations for enrollment Update Student Contact Information Suggested users: School Administration - Secretaries