Data Gateway - LEA Admin User Request Form
UTREx Data Gateway LEA Admin User Request Form
LEA Administrator Access will be responsible for all UTREx data submissions and will be responsible for giving LEA users access to different components of the data gateway.
Name: _______________________________________________________________________________
LEA Name:____________________________________________________________________________
LEA Address:__________________________________________________________________________
User E-mail Address:____________________________________________________________________
Phone #:______________________________________________________________________________
Requested By:_________________________________________________________________________
District Superintendent / Charter Director / Administrator Name:_______________________________
District Superintendent / Charter Director / Administrator Official Title:__________________________
District Superintendent / Charter Director / Administrator Phone #:_____________________________
District Superintendent / Charter Director / Administrator E-mail Address:_______________________
District Superintendent / Charter Director / Administrator Signature:____________________________
Effective Date:_____________________________
I, as a Data Gateway user, understand and agree to the following:
The password that I am issued will not be shared with anyone.
I agree to use the Data Gateway data only for its intended purposes.
I will, at all times, ensure the security of data found on the Data Gateway website.
I will notify USBE upon termination of my employment or reassignment of duties.