MOVEit - USBE Secure FTP Users Guide
Utah State Board of Education Secure File Transfer User’s Guide Contents
Getting Started – Sign On................................................................................................................................ 4
Creating Your New Password......................................................................................................................... 5
Problems Logging in - Common Reasons Access is Denied.......................................................................... 5
Forgot Your Password..................................................................................................................................... 6
Keeping Your Account Active......................................................................................................................... 7
USBE’s Default Site Page................................................................................................................................ 7
Uploading files to MOVEit DMZ................................................................................................................ 7
Downloading Files...................................................................................................................................... 10
Selecting the Download Destination......................................................................................................... 11

Welcome to the Utah State Board of Education’s secure FTP site. Let’s begin with a short explanation of FTP and what it is for. FTP is an acronym for File Transfer Protocol which is a system used to transfer files between computers on the Internet. FTP is often used to transfer files which are too large to send as email attachments. It is also used to transfer files which are often blocked by email filters. In its standard implementation, an FTP site usually does not require users to authenticate, (Login) to gain access to available files.
The references to are used as an example. is not an actual site. Please do not follow the links. FTP is usually hidden behind the scenes in today’s web browser dominated internet. Most users are not even aware they are using it. An example would be downloading an MP3 file. Often, the link you click to download the file is tied to an FTP site from which the file is transferred. Let’s say you wanted to download an MP3 music file for the song named SUPERCOOLSONG from the site WWW.WAYCOOLMUSIC.COM. You open your web browser and go to WWW.WAYCOOLMUSIC.COM. On the web page you find the spot to click to download SUPERCOOLSONG.
The actual link for the songs is FTP.WAYCOOLMUSIC.COM/COOLSONGS/SUPERCOOLSONG.MP3. This tells your web browser to go to the site FTP.WAYCOOLMUSIC.COM, enter the folder COOLSONGS, and download the file named SUPERCOOLSONG.MP3. At this point, you would probably see a dialog box asking you if you wanted to save or open the file. The diagram below shows this relationship.
In Microsoft Windows, you could go directly to the FTP site and accomplish the same download using Window’s Explorer. You would do this by opening Windows Explorer and entering FTP.WAYCOOLMUSIC.COM in the address bar. The folders available to you at the site would display in the left pane of Windows Explorer. Then, you would locate the folder COOLSONGS in the left pane and double click it. This would take you into the COOLSONGS folder and the files inside the folder would display in Windows Explorer’s left pane. Next, you would locate the file SUPERCOOLSONG.MP3 and double click it. The FTP process would be started and you would see a dialog box asking if you wanted to save or open the file.
Secure FTP sites are not open to the general public, but are designed to allow the transfer of files to a specific set of users. You have to authenticate, (Login) to these sites in order to gain access. The Utah State Office of Education’s secure FTP site uses a system called MOVEit DMZ. You have had an account setup on this site which you can use to login and gain access. Most users of the site are able to both upload and download files. Uploading is the process of sending a file to the office. Downloading is the process on receiving a file from the office. You should have received an email message similar the one on the next page which indicates your user ID and a temporary password.

Begin the process by clicking on the URL indicated under “Please use the following URL to sign on to the system”, or by copying and pasting the URL into your browsers address window. You will be taken to the login page of the secure FTP site.

Getting Started – Sign On
Logging into the site involves entering your username and password into the fields provided on the sites opening page, (shown in the diagram on the next page) and clicking on the “Sign On” button. Clicking on the "Reset" button will clear the information you entered into the fields should you need to do so. Your username will be Firstname.Lastname as indicated in the Welcome to USBE email message you received. Your temporary password is also provided in the email message.

Clicking on the keyboard icons next to the username and password fields will open a clickable keyboard which can be used to enter your authentication information. Using the clickable keyboard can help thwart keystroke loggers. If you are logging on to the MOVEit DMZ site from a public computer, it is highly recommended you use the clickable keyboard to enter your username and password.

Creating Your New Password
You will be required to change your password the first time you logon. Your new password must contain at least 7 characters, at least one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter and one number, and cannot be similar to your username or any other common 'dictionary' word. Also, when changing your password in the future, you may not use any of your previous 5 passwords. The following screen will display and you will be asked to enter a new password again if your password did not meet the criteria,

Problems Logging in - Common Reasons Access is Denied
The system will display the access denied message, “Invalid username/password or not allowed to sign on from this location” for un-successful login attempts. Reasons for un-successful logins include:
- Username is incorrect
- Password is incorrect
- Account has been suspended
(for too many bad signon attempts, password aging, or manual administrator action)
- User is not allowed to sign from this IP address
- IP address has been locked out
(for too many bad signon attempts, often with different usernames)

Forgot Your Password
The web site provides a utility to help you reset your password should you forget it. Clicking on the “Forgot Password?” link shown in the diagram below will take you to a screen where you can enter in your email address. An email message will be sent from the site with information on how to change your password. The “Request a password change” link will not work if you have locked your account by trying to signon un-successfully too many times. An account locked for this reason remains locked for twenty minutes and then automatically un-locks. Please contact your specialist if you require assistance with a locked account.
Please contact your specialist at the Utah State Education for assistance if you continue to run into problems logging into the system. At list of specialist can be found by going to the web site, and clicking on the Help link indicated in the figure below.
Keeping Your Account Active
You must login to your account at least once every 370 days for it to remain active. The site automatically de-activates (Expires) accounts which have not been logged into after 370 days. An email notification advising you of the situation will be sent to the email address you have on file two days before this will occur. Expired accounts are automatically deleted by the system seven days after they are de-activated.
USBE’s Default Site Page
Your default, (Home) page will look similar to the example below. From here, you will be able to locate and upload or download files.

Uploading files to MOVEit DMZ
Uploading is the process of sending files to the Utah State Office of Education. If you were responsible for SIS information for a entity named Advance Learning Institute, your screen would resemble the example on the next page.

Locate the folder into which you wish to upload files by clicking on the Folders link,
Important Note: Please do not upload files into folders for which they are not intended. For example: you should not upload testing files into SIS folders. Testing files should only be uploaded into testing folders, SIS files into SIS folders, etc. Uploading a file into the incorrect folder potentially exposes it to individuals who do not have permission to the data within the file and can constitute a security breach. It can be viewed as a breach of USBE security policies and could result in disciplinary action.

Then, click on Distribution.

Next, click on your organization’s folder. Will use Advance Learning Institute as an example.

The folders to which you have access for your organization will display. Select the folder you wish to access. We’re using SIS for this example.

Upload folders are used to send files to USBE. Download folders are where USBE will send you files. We’ll select the Upload folder.

The next step is to click the Upload button to begin the process. The Upload dialog box will appear.

You add files to be uploaded by dragging and dropping files as indicated in the dialog box or you can click the Browse link to browse and select files. When browsing you can use Windows “SHIFT-click” and “CTRL-click” methods to select more than one file at a time.

Press the "Upload" button when you have completed adding all of the files you wish to upload.

Your files will be uploaded, and a confirmation dialog box will appear. Click Close to complete the file upload session.
Downloading Files
Downloading is the process of retrieving files USBE has placed in download folders to which you have access. You will probably receive email notifications when files are placed in download folders to which you have access. New files available for download will be displayed on your default page and can be downloaded using the Download link displayed on the right side of the screen. You can also locate the download folders using the “Browse Other Folders” link and negotiate your way to the folder containing the file you wish to download. A list of files available for download will be displayed and you can download using the Download links.

MOVEit will download the file(s) using your browsers settings. The default for Chrome is to save the file(s) in your downloads folders. You’ll see the regular download indicator appear at the bottom of your browser as the file(s) are downloaded.

Click on the down arrow next to the filename download indicator and select Show in folder to open the downloads folder and view
the file(s). If you have changed your browsers download options to ask where the files should be saved, a file manager dialog box will open.
Selecting the Download Destination

Use the file manager dialog box to to select a destination to save the files.