MOVEit - AdHoc File Transfer - External Users
MOVEit AdHoc File Transfer – External Users
The MOVEit AdHoc features allows the secure transfer of files through the Utah State Office of Education’s MOVEit secure file transfer server to individuals who do not have a standard account on the server. It does this by creating a temporary account for a user to login into MOVEit and retrieve the file. Temporary MOVEit accounts last for 30 days. After your temporary account has been deleted, a new temporary account is created for you when you receive a package from someone at USBE.
You will receive an email message similar to the one below when a package has been posted to the server for your access.

A temporary user account will have been created for you to use to retrieve the package. The email message contains your logon ID, which is your email address, and your temporary password. It also provides you a link to access the site. Clicking on the link in the email message takes you the site’s logon page and prefills the “Username:” with your user ID.

You will be required to change your password after signing on with the temporary password provided in your email message.
Creating Your New Password
Your new password must contain at least 7 characters, at least one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter and one number, and cannot be similar to your username or any other common 'dictionary' word. Also when changing your password in the future, you may not use any of your previous 5 passwords.

The following screen will display, and you will be asked to enter a new password again if your password did not meet the criteria,

Problems Logging in - Common Reasons Access is Denied
The system will display the access denied message, “Invalid username/password or not allowed to sign on from this location” for un-successful login attempts. Reasons for un-successful logins include:
Username is incorrect Password is incorrect Account has been suspended
(for too many bad signon attempts, password aging, or manual administrator action) User is not allowed to sign from this IP address
IP address has been locked out
(for too many bad signon attempts, often with different usernames)
Your mailboxes are presented after you have logged in.

Accessing the package is done by clicking on the package name.

The options available by clicking on the buttons are self-explanatory. Click the download button to download the file. Please note that the number of times you can download the file/files is limited as shown by the information next to the download button. The download button will go away once you have completed the associated number of downloads. Click on the name of an individual file to view a history of actions associated with it.

Here you will be able to see who has downloaded the file, when they downloaded the file, how many times an individual has downloaded a file, and if they have been granted more than one download as well as some other pertinent information about the file. Return to the package screen by clicking on the “Return to parent package” link at the top of the page.

You can send a file back to the sender by clicking on the “Reply” button.

The “New Package” utility will load with the address of your sender prefilled in. Type in some information about your package at the top of the “Notes” field. The note from the original package is also prefilled into the note field. Add files dragging and dropping as indicated, or by clicking on the Upload Files link which will open a Upload Files dialog box.

You can drag-n- drop files here as well or click on the Browse link to browse out and locate files. The files you select will appear in the dialog box. Click the Upload button to upload the files you have selected.

A confirmation dialog box will appear indicating your files have been uploaded. Click the “Close” button to move on.

Your taken back to the main AdHoc MOVEit screen where you’ll see the uploaded files displayed. The “X” by the filename allows you to delete a file if needed.

You can also send a new package to anyone who has previously sent you a package. Use the “Send Package” link on your Home screen.

The same utility is used as in the reply package, however; you must fill in all the information. You must put some information in the “Note” field as it is required. You can send packages to anyone who has previously sent you a package as long as your temporary account is active. You cannot send a package to anyone who has not previously sent you a package.