MOVEit - AdHoc File Transfer
MOVEit AdHoc File Transfer
You must request access to the AdHoc feature before it will be available to you with-in MOVEit.
The MOVEit AdHoc features allows the secure transfer of files through our MOVEit secure file transfer server to individuals who do not have a standard account on the server. It does this by creating a temporary account for a user to login into MOVEit and retrieve the file.

Files transferred via the AdHoc module are called packages. After you have logged into MOVEit you access the AdHoc features by clicking the “Send a new package” link

MOVEit presents you with an email style interface. Begin by entering in the email addresses for the individuals you want to receive files. Multiple email addresses should be separated by a comma.

Enter an appropriate Subject for the email message to be received by the individuals.

The “Note” field allows you to provide additional information about the files you are sending. You must enter some information into the ‘Note” field as this is required by MOVEit. The lock by the field indicates that notes have been secured meaning that they will not be included in the email notifying the recipient about the package. The notes will be displayed by the file link when the user has logged into MOVEit to download the file. We’ll show that later in the document when we detail the screen seen by the user once they have logged into MOVEit.

The next step is to upload the files you wish to transfer to the MOVEit site. You can drag-n-drop as indicated or click on the Upload Files to open the upload files dialog box.

You can drag-n- drop files here as well or click on the Browse link to browse out and locate files. Click the Upload
button to upload the files you have selected.

A confirmation dialog box will appear indicating your files have been uploaded. Click the “Close” button to move on.

Your taken back to the main AdHoc MOVEit screen where you’ll see the uploaded files displayed. The “X” by the filename allows you to delete a file if needed.

At the bottom of the screen are a few important options. Select “Delivery Receipt(s) if you wish to be notified when the package is accessed. Important Note: The “Prevent Reply All” should be selected when sending files to more than one individual. This prevents them from using the reply all feature to send a package to all of the users to whom you have provided your files. They should only be replying to you. Replying can be used as a mechanism for an individual to send a package back to you. If they are able to use “Reply All” the package will be made available to everyone whose email address was listed when you created the original package. This could create a potential security violation.
Set the amount of times you want to allow the files in the package to be downloaded by entering the number in the “Limit downloads to” field. The default is one. The time indicated in the “Expire the package after” is the amount of time the files will be visible to your recipients. The files will remain visible whether or not the download limit has been reached, but the option to download will go away once the limit has been reached. The default is seven days.
The maximum amount which can be set is thirty days.
Click on the “Send” button at either the bottom or top of the screen once you have set the options to complete the process.

MOVEit returns you to your Packages screen where your mailboxes can be accessed. The names of the mailboxes are self-explanatory. The package just created is now in the “Sent” items mailbox. Packages which are sent to you though the AdHoc module will be available in your “Inbox”. Click on a mailbox to access packages and view related information.

Clicking on the “Sent” mailbox reveals the information about the package sent in our example. The amount of files in the package, size of the package, recipients, and the date and time the package was created are indicated next to the package name. Clicking the trash bin icon will move the package into your trash mailbox.

The double dots indicate the status of the notifications. Green indicates they have been accessed. Placing your mouse arrow close to the middle of the two dots will reveal a popup message indicating the current status. In this case, none of the recipients have read their notification emails.

Clicking on the package name accesses the package. The options available by clicking on the buttons are self- explanatory. Click on the name of an individual file to view a history of actions associated with it.

Here you will be able to see who has downloaded the file, when they downloaded the file, how many times an individual has downloaded a file, and if they have been granted more than one download as well as some other pertinent information about the file.

We’re back at your Home screen. You can access your mailboxes at any time by clicking on the “Packages” link in the upper left corner of the page. Let’s take a look at what your recipients will see.

Here’s the notification email sent to our recipient. MOVEit created a temporary user account with the individual’s email address as the logon id, gave them with a temporary password, and provided a link to access the site.

Clicking on the link in the email message takes the individual to the site’s logon page and prefills the “Username:” with their user id. The individual will be required to change their password after signing on with the temporary password provided in their email message. This is the same process you went through when signing on to MOVEit the first time. Encourage your package recipients to logon soon as temporary passwords do not remain active for very long.

Temporary user’s mailboxes are presented in a different manner than those with regular MOVEit accounts. The “Inbox” is showing the package which was sent. Accessing the package is done by clicking on the package name.

The package screen presented to the recipient contains all of the same features as the one you are presented with when clicking on a package’s name. Recipients can send a package back to you by clicking on the “Reply” button. A package creation screen will be opened with information from the Original Package included in the Note section.

Your recipient will follow the same process to transfer a package back to you as you did using this window when creating the original package. You will be notified via email that you have been sent a new package.

Your new package will be available under “New Packages” on your Home screen
and in your “Inbox” under packages.